Due to an important update, please download firmware 1.2.2 instead from here.

Refer to the instruction here for how to do a firmware update.

New Features

  • Added 2 new SCPI commands to support faster data transfer rate:

    • :SOURce:DIGital:DATA:GAIN 

    • :SOURce:DIGital:DATA:SIZE 

Refer to Programmer’s Guide v1.3.1 for the details.

  • Added decimation by 5. This will allow for 20MHz IFBW streaming with 10-bit data size. However, this decimation rate could only be used with a maximum SPP of 13088.


  • Achieved 50% faster in network throughput rate after changing the data transfer handling mechanism of the kernel memory to the socket.

    With this new speed and the new data packing size of 8-bit (v1.2.0) or 10-bit (v1.2.1) (using :SOURce:DIGital:DATA:SIZE command), 25MHz or 20MHz IFBW, respectively, for contiguous streaming can be achieved. However, to utilize this streaming rate, your network and computer system connecting to the RTSA must support and sustain 500Mbit/sec or higher.

    Refer to the application note “Optimizing Streaming Bandwidth for Contiguous Capture” for more information on the usage.

  • Added TCP_NODELAY flag to the socket connection handling so that small packets got sent right away in order to improve SCPI response speeds.

Fixed Defects

  • Fixed PPS triggering for “TRIGGER:TYPE PPS” using onboard GPS module.

  • Fixed the RTSA stuck state due to another streaming or sweeping capture accessed to the same RTSA while streaming.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Very occasionally, the :SYSTem:DATE or :SYSTem:TIME command will return an error. When that happens, issue the command again.

  • For the sweep capture mode, there is a rare chance where the IQ data packets are corrupted. When this happens, a network disconnection from the R57x0 follows by a re-connection will resolve the issue.

Refer to Release Notes for the full details.