Download libtrf v1.5.3 Release Package, which includes v1.5.2 update. The reference manual is in the zip folder.

Refer to libtrf v1.5.3 Release Notes  for the full details. This pdf is included in the release package as well.

New Features

The following new feature(s) and capabiliti(es) were added in version 1.5.3. Refer to the Reference Manual for full details.

  1. This release allows users to utilize the new R55x0 v1.7.0 & R57x0 v1.2.0 firmware, or higher, with 50% faster transfer rate to support wider contiguous streaming IFBW (up to 25 MHz), along with the following new additions in the API:

    1. 2 new parameters

      1. TRFBitPacking

      2. TRFDigitalGain – with various gain levels depending on the bit packing size

    2. Support new 8-bit, 10-bit, and 12-bit sample size (ie. bit packing), along with digital gain control and its VRT context handling in the IQ streaming capture.

Emphasize again here that these parameters only work from R55x0 firmware v1.7.0 and R57x0 firmware v1.2.0, or higher. The latest firmware can be obtained from thinkRF’s support site.

Also, refer to StreamingCaptureWithBitAndGainControlExample.cpp and the application note “Optimizing Streaming Bandwidth for Contiguous Capture” for more information on the usage.

  1. Added the support for the new decimation rate 5 available in R55x0 v1.7.1 & R57x0 v1.2.1 firmware.

  2. New examples.

Known Issues and Limitations

The following are the known limitations or other issues present since libtrf version 1.4.0:

  1. Limitation: R55x0/R57x0 products only - Between 30MHz and 50MHz centre frequencies, it is not possible to stream a full 40MHz IFBW as IQ data. This is due to the switching of the RTSA hardware technology types at the 50MHz point, between DD (Direct Digitizer) and SH (Super-Heterodyne) modes.

This issue does not impact sweep spectrum data at that frequency range.

  1. For IQ sampling with center frequency below 50MHz and IFBWs lower than 20MHz, the IQ stream will run for a maximum of around 500msec. This is due to the inherent limitations of the direct-sampling range on R5xx0 receivers.

  2. Below 50MHz frequency range, IFBW below 1MHz exhibits sinc-type spectral distortion. This is a libtrf’s constraint, not an RTSA hardware issue.