Download libtrf 1.7.0 release package

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Important Note: If your RTSA has firmware v1.7.0/1.7.1 for R55x0 or v1.2.0/1.2.1 for R57x0, it is critical that you should update it to the latest to use libtrf’s spectrum capture in v1.5.4 or higher. 


The following other change(s) were made:

  1. Implemented 'synchronization' check for SCPI to prevent an issue with slow SCPI response after a flush of the internal RTSA’s buffer.

  2. Improved RBW precision by using non-power-of-2 FFT computation.

  3. Improved finite capture handling.

  4. Improved spectrum filter for non-decimated IFBW for R5xx0.

  5. Improved I to IQ data conversion for R5xx0.

    1. Added crossfade logic for first frame of I to IQ conversion to minimize discontinuity.

    2. Use multi-threads.

    3. In Arm arch, the conversion speed is increased by ~3 times.

  6. Updated peak find example.

  7. Increased buffer allocation to ensure that a whole 'max size hint' bytes are always readable by TCP/IP Transport. This improved the transfer performance.

  8. Improved socket handing for data receiving.

Fixed Defects

The following issue(s) are fixed in:

  1. Addressed a race which could cause failure to attach IQ stream when restarting stream capture.

  2. Fixed an issue around a wrong sample rate reported due to non-float type usage.

  3. Corrected spectrum stop frequency rounding error.

  4. Fixed finite capture sometimes delivered less than number of expected samples.

  5. Fixed SIGSEGV and computational errors in spectrum capture in R5xx0.

  6. Fixed playback looping flag bug.

Known Issues and Limitations

The following are the known limitations or other issues present since libtrf version 1.4.0:

  1. Limitation: R55x0/R57x0 products only - Between 30MHz and 50MHz centre frequencies, it is not possible to stream a full 40MHz IFBW as IQ data. This is due to the switching of the RTSA hardware technology types at the 50MHz point, between DD (Direct Digitizer) and SH (Super-Heterodyne) modes.

    This issue does not impact sweep spectrum data at that frequency range.
  1. For IQ sampling with center frequency below 50MHz and IFBWs lower than 20MHz, the IQ stream will run for a maximum of around 500msec. This is due to the inherent limitations of the direct-sampling range on R5xx0 receivers.

  2. Below 50MHz frequency range, IFBW below 1MHz exhibits sinc-type spectral distortion. This is a libtrf’s constraint, not an RTSA hardware issue.